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The student-run news source and voice for the JAHS community since 1940.

The Tower

The student-run news source and voice for the JAHS community since 1940.

The Tower

The student-run news source and voice for the JAHS community since 1940.

The Tower

Zach Johnson

Zach Johnson, Reporter

Zach Johnson is super excited to begin his year in newspaper. As a senior, Zach has pondered the idea of a career in journalism, or fictional writing, so he is ready to try out some aspects of the craft. As a lover of entertainment, Johnson has been in Drama Club for three years, particularly focusing on his comedic side. He is looking forward to the opportunity to aid in running the club this year. This year, Johnson hopes to focus on telling the stories of students who often get overlooked, bringing light to social issues. He is ecstatic to start work in The Tower, and try out new things throughout the year. In addition to his school life, Johnson enjoys archery, which he started six years ago, originally finding the hobby at camp. He also enjoys skiing and spending his summers at Camp Eberhart, which he hopes to be a counselor at this coming summer.  

All content by Zach Johnson
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