Ignition Music Garage


Ryden Larimore, Reporter

The title of “garage” is a misleading name for a music venue. It comes from the building’s origins; the leftovers of an automotive shop were turned into a space for one of the most fun record collections to look through in Indiana. Almost any genre of music is collected in vinyl form at Ignition, from classic rock to banda to smooth jazz. Looking through the collection can take up to around two hours of finding something you like and wishing you had money, then settling for a cheaper album that you like a lot less. 


The founder, Steve Martin (not the comedian), developed the space alongside Jason Samuel. They began with the idea that music lovers could have a space to discuss, buy and see music with people like them. That ideology is continued with new owners, Julie Hershberger and Tim Hochstetler. COVID-19 hit Ignition hard as a live venue, with 14 shows canceled. Despite the setbacks, the store is still up and running today, with new and unique shows performed regularly. The records are what is said to have helped them continue throughout the pandemic, with more people at home wanting to bring the music with them throughout their quarantine. The space has returned to its original glory, with still plenty of record sales along with the return of performances. 


Ignition’s building is somewhat small, but very open, due to its original, auto mechanical purposes. The brick walls are decorated with posters and stickers of musicians and bands that add charm to the factory-like atmosphere. The layout contains plenty of room for vinyls that move to open the space up for live shows. A corner of the room is taken up by the stage, nothing too big, but a very unique and intimate environment for live music. The calendar is not jam-packed with shows, but the artists booked are often worth waiting a few weeks for: with upcoming shows including a Metal/Rock night, The Cactus Blossoms, and the reggae icons, The Wailers. 

Music lovers from every surrounding area often visit the Indiana phenomenon, whether to build their collection of music in physical form, or to witness the talented people who grace its stage. It is the perfect excuse to visit Goshen, a hub for music and home to a truly great institution known as Ignition.