SBCSC School Board Proposes Increased Building Efficiency Scenarios

Abena Antwi, Reporter

On February 6, 2023, the South Bend Community School Corporation (SBCSC) School Board Committee met to review potential solutions regarding the poor efficiency levels of facilities that exist within the corporation. The common goal is to increase the efficiency of the buildings in the corporation in order to repurpose underutilized buildings and direct more funds into the classroom. Here are the highlights of the three scenarios that were presented:

Scenario A: Four High Schools

In scenario A, all four high schools would remain, although many other buildings would undergo changes. Kennedy’s program would move to Lasalle, creating a K-8 at LaSalle. Kennedy would then convert into an early childhood center. Warren Elementary would merge with Wilson and Harrison. Muessel would also merge into Marshall, and Marshall becomes K-8 and serves as the regional feeder for Riley. Additionally, Darden would convert into a middle school. Edison would become a 3-8, while McKinley would convert into a K-2, and these two would serve as the regional feeder for Adams. Dickinson consolidates with Navarre and becomes a K-8 and Washington’s regional feeder. Finally, Clay International Academy becomes Clay High School’s feeder.

With this plan, Warren and Muessel would become vacant, and Kennedy would be repurposed into an early childhood center. Although this maintains the four high schools and creates clear feeder patterns, it is the most expensive scenario with the least operational savings and has a low high school utilization level of 65%.


Scenario B: Three High Schools

With scenario B, Clay High School is eliminated. Like scenario A, Kennedy’s program moves to Lasalle, creating a K-8 at LaSalle. Kennedy would then convert into an early childhood center. Swanson converts to a K-8 and serves as Adams’ feeder. Mckinley and Edison combine at Edison and Mckinley becomes an early childhood center. Warren still merges into Harrison and Wilson.

While this creates a clear feeder pattern and increases utilization levels to 84%, it requires closing down Clay, a magnet high school.


Scenario C: Two High Schools

In the last scenario proposed by the school board, both Riley and Clay are eliminated; Riley becomes a middle school.  Darden becomes a middle school, and Jefferson becomes a ninth-grade building. These two serve as feeders for Adams. In addition, Navarre becomes a ninth-grade building and serves as a feeder into Washington. Finally, McKinley and Kennedy used early childhood centers.

This plan has the highest utilization levels at 87% and creates two fully enrolled high schools. Some downsides are that it discontinues two high school magnet programs, and Riley would have to cover a large geographic area and enrollment size.

Please keep in mind that these scenarios are just proposals and have not been voted on. The final solution would most likely be a combination of these three scenarios rather than any of them individually. Any possible changes will not go into effect until the 2024–2025 school year. The corporation is eager for feedback, and you can participate by filling out the survey here.