The Dangers of Halloween


Ben Allen, Reporter

The month of October is quite a notable month for many Americans and in some cases, many people around the globe. That is typically due to the fact that the final day of the month, October 31, is Halloween. For those unaware of what Halloween exactly is, it is a day celebrated, typically by Americans, where children dress up in their favorite costumes, knock on strangers’ front doors, and sometimes get a little spooked from the overall spooky vibe that the day presents itself as. Unfortunately, the world is oftentimes dangerous and certain precautions need to be taken to ensure that Halloween remains a scary, yet safe day.

It seems advantageous to be accompanied by friends, or even parents or legal guardians if you are younger when going out on Halloween. There are likely hundreds, if not thousands of people out-and-about knocking on strangers doors. It appears good to go out with someone you know in order to safely avoid any shenanigans or anything dangerous that could possibly happen.

Another explanation as to why it is advantageous to keep guardians around small children is because some people can use handing out candy as a way to distribute drugs. It is likely best that the guardian looks over whatever their child has accumulated to make sure everything is child appropriate and does not contain anything for the slightly older generations.

One should make note to keep aware of people who are dressed up in a questionable costume, or a costume that hides their identity to some capacity. For instance, if someone had a costume that covered their face, it would be rather advantageous to be aware to prevent any illegal activities from potentially happening, 

Like most people who go from house to house on October 31, most would likely make sure to receive candy from every available house. An interesting note is that a lot of these younger generations tend to walk across the street without looking both ways. That is a recipe for disaster! Before crossing the street on hunt for goodies, make sure to look both ways to avoid being hit by a vehicle in motion.

Overall, Halloween can be an extremely rewarding day especially for the children, but it is always a good idea to stay safe because the world is not exactly the safest place.