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The student-run news source and voice for the JAHS community since 1940.

The Tower

The student-run news source and voice for the JAHS community since 1940.

The Tower

The student-run news source and voice for the JAHS community since 1940.

The Tower

Mag Blanchard

Mag Blanchard, Reporter

Mag Blanchard is a senior at John Adams High School, and is spending her year writing for The Tower for the first time. She has been wanting to get into media for a while, and saw working with the John Adams Tower as the perfect opportunity. Although she is interested in journalism, Maggie wants to study psychology in college and pursue a profession in therapy after high school. She hopes to spend her first two years of higher education at IUSB, and then transfer to the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor may be her future destination, but Chicago is an important part of Mag’s past. She lived there for a few years and likes to visit every now and then. 

If Mag could describe herself in one word it would be “intense.” This should not come as a surprise to anyone who knows her well, considering she is involved in many time consuming and, well, intense, extracurricular activities. Mag is a member of the JAHS Marching Band, Dungeons and Dragons club, and, her favorite, Drama Club. Mag loves doing drama because she thinks acting is fun and she gets to play roles that she isn’t used to playing in real life. 

In real life, however, Mag believes she is known for being queer and obnoxious, and can be found rocking bold Hawaiian shirts and brightly colored hair. Mag is someone who is inspired by her mother, who hates doing the dishes, and who wants to be someone that other people can look up to one day. Maggie is many things, but if you really want to get to know her, ask her about Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.

All content by Mag Blanchard
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