5 Healthy Habits To Spring Into the New Season

Joie Warnke, Reporter

For many, the season of Spring can be seen as a time of rebirth and new-beginnings. The weather begins to change from cold and gloomy to warm and welcoming, along with flowers blooming and animals coming out of hibernation. Many students are also nearing the end of their second semester of the school year, and are looking forward to summer vacation. Thus, it is the perfect time to consider implementing some beneficial habits into your routine that will help bring your life together, along with improving your physical and mental health. Here are five healthy habits that you can try to incorporate into your daily life before this upcoming Spring season.


#1: Reduce Screen Time Before Sleep

This habit is probably the most advertised and talked about; many people are trying to stray away from social media and technology as a whole. With that being said, it can be extremely beneficial for your physical and mental health to put away the phone and turn off the T.V. about an hour before you fall asleep. Additionally, according to an article written by the Cleveland Clinic, using your phone before bed can also have detrimental effects on your quality of sleep. You could potentially take on a new hobby through practicing this habit as well. Something like reading or crocheting requires no screen time and can reduce stress to assist you in winding down before bed.

#2: Make Your Bed Each Morning

After you had a restful night’s sleep from putting away the technology the night before, you should consider making your bed as soon as you get out of it. Completely pull the blankets back, re-fluff your pillows, and put any additional blankets or decorative pillows on the bed. According to an article by The Washington Post, when individuals make their bed in the morning they feel a sense of accomplishment and are more likely to feel increasingly motivated throughout the day. 

#3: Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep yourself hydrated, especially as warmer temperatures are approaching. Replace those sugary sodas that you might crave with plenty of water. You would be surprised at how much cleaner you feel physically and mentally. To help you drink more water, I would recommend purchasing a large water bottle (preferably with a straw) with exciting designs that you like. 

#4: Spend Valuable Time Outside

With warmer temperatures approaching, the outdoors are becoming readily available for you to spend time in. There is no longer the excuse that it is too cold or too snowy. Spending time outdoors can range anywhere from playing your favorite sport, to even sitting in a comfy chair while reading a good book; really whatever suits you best. It provides an escape from whatever may be worrying or stressing you in your life. We also all know that the sun provides a crucial benefit for us as humans: Vitamin D. Spending time outdoors allows you to observe the beautiful nature that surrounds you, whilst also benefiting your physical and mental health.

#5: Eliminate Procrastination

While it is a difficult task for many, eliminating habits of procrastination can prove extremely beneficial to not only your school life, but to your life outside of school as well. In order to do this, you need to prioritize the time given to you in class to do your school work, so that you have less to worry about when you become immersed in your home life after school. Prioritizing the assignments and tasks that require more intense and time consuming work can prove helpful as well. Lastly, I would recommend using a planner to organize all of your tasks. It will help you immensely in planning out when assignments are due and with time management.


I hope that you consider at least one of these habits to incorporate into your routine this upcoming Spring season. It is never too late to start implementing new habits, and this time of year would be an especially great time to try them out.