Big Brother 24 “Cookout 2.0” Scandal

September 9, 2022
Throughout the past fifty-eight days inside the Big Brother house, former houseguest Kyle Capener has made a number of insensitive accusations towards six people of color who were all still in the game. During houseguest, Michael Bruner’s head of household reign in week five, Capener expressed fears of a “Cookout 2.0” due to the close friendship of houseguests Monte Taylor and Joseph Abdin; as well as Taylor Hale, claiming she would never nominate fellow houseguest Jasmine Davis due to Davis being “a fellow black woman”.
Just last summer during Big Brother 23, the six african american houseguests came together to accomplish a mission of crowning the first african american winner of the American franchise after twenty years. Their alliance became known as “The Cookout”. Capener sat in the head of household bedroom and grouped Taylor, Abdin, Hale, Davis, and fellow houseguests Indiana “Indy” Santos and Terrance Higgins, all of whom happen to be the remaining people of color in the house. Despite not verbally addressing, Capener began to create an all-white alliance to prevent a “Cookout 2.0” from dominating the remainder of the season. Bruner and fellow caucasian houseguests Alyssa Snider, Brittany Hoopes and Matthew Turner all pulled together to form an alliance.
Many viewers believe Capener’s accusations come across ignorant and feel as though he is uneducated about the original mission of “The Cookout”. Viewers also believe that the problematic behavior from Capener is not well reflected on the edited episodes.
During the unprecedented split house twist, Capener formed a new alliance with fellow “Dyre Fest” members Higgins, Snider, and Turner; this brought out of fear of the remaining “Dyre Fest” member Abdin’s close bond with “Big Brochella” members Hale and Taylor, two people of color. Unsurprisingly, Capener had no trouble turning all four alliance members against fan favorite, Abdin and sending him out the door. Capener had viewers outraged after Abdin’s eviction.
Viewers believed Capener essentially targeted Abdin due to him being a person of color and having strong friendships with other people of color.