Alexandria Crayton

Senior Spotlight

Oriane Dancler, Reporter

Alexandria Crayton, known by her friends as Dria, is a phenomenal senior at John Adams. She is on the science olympiad team, Marching band, JAVA, and NHS. In the marching band, she plays the alto saxophone and is co-section leader. Alexandria’s most outstanding accomplishment is that she was awarded the Lilly Endowment Scholarship, a four year full-tuition scholarship to any Indiana public or private college. This achievement comes as no surprise as Dria excels both academically and in extracurriculars.

Alexandria obtained a love for science at a young age which led her to join Science Olympiad. She has been on the science olympiad team since her freshman year. She held onto that love of science and learned more about the subject throughout her four years. She has worked hard in the club and has become one of the senior captains. Music is another passion of Dria’s, and in fourth grade, Alexandria started playing alto saxophone. She has continued to play for eight years and still enjoys it. Dria says she enjoys the “performances and playing at football games.” She loves everything about marching band, even zero hour. 

Alexandria enjoys helping people; which is why she joined JAVA and NHS. She thinks, “if someone is capable of helping others they should.” She enjoys helping people which teaches her to love the people in our community. Volunteering brings her self-fulfillment when she helps others less fortunate than her.

Alexandria gets up every day, grabs her saxophone, and goes to zero hour. She has accomplished a lot in her four years. She is a full IB student and on track to receive the full IB diploma. She works really hard and her hard work has paid off. She got accepted into 2 out of 3 schools she applied to so far. She applied to IU Bloomington, Ball state, and IUSB. She was accepted into Ball State and IUSB but her top choice is IU Bloomington. If she gets accepted, she plans to study psychology. She also wants to go to Bloomington for the diversity of the college.

Alexandria is a beautiful soul and great leader. She works hard in everything she does. She always has a positive attitude and aspires to help everyone that needs it. She has been working hard for years to get where she is at today. She is a leader in all of her clubs and in the top 5% in her class. Alexandria is a bright student who has an even brighter future. Adams is lucky to have had her all four years. It is sad to see her leave. She has had such an impact on her peers and all of her clubs. She will do great things in her future and Adams can’t wait to see her grow.