Presidential Candidate Outlook: Donald Trump (R) & Jo Jorgensen (L)


Vanshika Dixit, Co-Editor-in-Chief

As the 2020 United States presidential election creeps near, American citizens must educate themselves on candidate policies and exercise their voting rights. Some major issues that are up for debate are the COVID-19 vaccine, climate change, the economy, healthcare, foreign policy, race and policing, guns, and the Supreme Court vacancy. The outcome of this election will greatly impact the future on a national, and possibly even global, scale.

Republican incumbent Donald Trump is running alongside Vice President Mike Pence for reelection this year. Trump’s official policy outlines are not easily found on his official website, but a quick search on the internet provides many reliable sources for this information. Jo Jorgensen of the Libertarian Party is running alongside Spike Cohen this year, as well. Her official website gives ample information about her views in a way that is easy for voters to navigate.

Up first, Trump has set up a coronavirus task force which has shifted its focus to the safety and reopening of the country, He is planning to speedily develop coronavirus treatments and vaccines through $10 billion of taxpayer dollars. Trump has recently softened his view on masks. However, his endorsements of masks still come with caveats that confuse his message. On masks, Jorgensen says that businesses should be able to decide their stances on masks, it should not be mandated by the government. Jorgensen wants the government “out of the way” so businesses can rebuild quickly, according to her official website. She claims that she will ensure that the federal government will not interfere with and worsen a situation, such as the current one, ever again. She wants to reduce regulations for medicine, treatments, and testing so patients can access resources more easily. She also aims to rid the FDA of its efficacy requirement, if not the entire FDA. The Libertarian nominee wants to allow Americans to save and invest their money instead of attempting to stimulate the economy through taxing, spending, and borrowing.

When it comes to the climate, Trump is skeptical of climate change. He aims to expand the use and production of non-renewable energy across the nation. Trump also wants to increase oil and gas drilling while rolling back on environmental protections. Trump has committed to withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, an international agreement to tackle climate change, which the US will officially and formally retreat from later this year. This is in contrast to Democratic hopeful Joe Biden who states that he would immediately re-join this agreement if elected. Jorgensen believes that the government must consider scientific and economic knowledge to care for the environment. She wants the president and congress to provide a plan for the economy, instead of mandating it, which would allow innovators to create new technology that could improve the country. She wants to reduce the barriers that entrench non-renewable energy sources and support cleaner energy by returning state responsibilities that have been entrusted to the federal government.

Trump has pledged to create 10 million new jobs in 10 months, with the addition of one million new small businesses. He aims to enact an income tax cut and provide businesses with tax credits that will incentivize them to keep jobs within the country. Jorgensen wants to end how the federal government limits job creation: over-regulation, occupational licensing, government zoning and permitting requirements, and high federal spending. Her goal is to eliminate or reduce government departments and programs that would be better served by the private sector. Additionally, she claims that she will work tirelessly to reduce federal spending and the size of the government while allowing Americans to keep what they earn. She believes that the taxing system is only effective as it invokes fear of punishment. By voting for less government, there will be fewer taxes put in place.

Additionally, Trump wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which was passed under the Obama administration. This act increased federal government regulations of the privatized healthcare insurance system. It also made it illegal to deny coverage for those that have pre-existing medical conditions. Trump claims that he wants to improve and replace the act; however, no details of the plan have ever been published. Furthermore, Trump wants to lower the price of drugs by allowing cheaper products to be imported from overseas. Jorgensen claims that the two-party system is the reason why healthcare has become so expensive. She says that proposals to fix healthcare will micromanage doctors and restrict access to care, which will in turn fail to solve the problem. She claims that he will reduce the cost of healthcare by a whopping 75% by allowing price competition, reducing government and insurance company paperwork, and lowering the cost of legacy programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA. She also wants to make more drugs available over the counter.

The incumbent promises to lower the amount of US troops abroad, while still investing money in the military. He says he will continue to challenge alliances and continue the trade tariffs in place for China.The Libertarian nominee wants to turn the US into “one giant Switzerland” by making it armed, yet neutral, according to her website. She wants the military to defend the country’s shore and soil against attackers instead of being involved in any foreign wars. She wants to bring home the over 200,000 troops overseas, provide no military aid to foreign governments, and remove and blockades or embargoes of non-military trade to create “peace.”

In response to the current discussion of race and policing issues, Trump says that he does not believe that racism is a systemic problem within the US police force. He has declared himself as a firm advocate of law enforcement but has stated opposition to chokeholds. He has also offered grants for improved policing practices. Jorgensen says the Libertarian Party agrees with the national Black Lives Matter organization on many issues, such as the war on drugs, qualified immunity, and no-knock raids. Yet, she believes the solution is a smaller government, not a bigger one.

Trump has an expansive interpretation of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution which gives Americans the right to bear guns. After an onslaught of mass shootings in 2019, Trump proposed tightening background checks on gun buyers; however, nothing ever came of his plan as no legislation has been put forward regarding this issue. Jorgensen’s website says she opposes adding restrictions on the process of purchasing guns. She also believes that victims of gun violence should not be allowed to sue firearms dealers and manufacturers.
After Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, a vacancy opened up on the Supreme Court. Trump says it is his right to fill the vacancy during the remainder of his term in office with conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett. One issue that comes along with this nomination is the legal right to have abortions in the US. This is something both the president and Barrett have opposed. Jorgensen released a list of 18 potential US Supreme Court nominees in September. She wants to ensure justices that will restore the limits that the founders of the country imposed on federal authority and defend both individual liberty and property rights.

No matter which side a voter is leaning, it is imperative that they educate themselves on the policies and ideals of all candidates that are running for election. It is easy to be pulled in by false promises and singular issues, but it is important to look at the candidates as a whole. This election will be one that will go down in history, so be sure to vote on or before Tuesday, November 3!

Presidential Candidate Outlook: Donald Trump (R) & Jo Jorgensen (L)


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