… with Jonathon Zapf – Episode 4

Nora Me Digas

Jonathon Zapf, Professional Human

Welcome back to the most unprofessional attempt at a professional show in existence. … with Jonathon Zapf utilizes complete absurdity and a loose improv-based format to break down and completely disregard, all of the common talk show tropes. There is a host and a guest but everything else is up to the viewer’s interpretation. No one is promoting anything. No one knows why they are here and everything makes very little sense. All of this chaos is for the audience’s entertainment.

Our Featured Guest: Nora Battista, JAHS senior

Crew: @Jonathon_Zapf @pnags422

Follow: @WithJZ

We would like to thank the poor souls of the interviewed, may they get hit in the head and never remember what they had to endure and John Adams High School in South Bend, IN for providing the space to organize this chaos.