The True Effect of Finals

Final exams can be one of the most stressful times in the school year. I sought to examine the effect that finals have on all kinds of students here at John Adams High School. I received over 93 responses, 32 responses belonged to male participants, and 60 being from females. I asked 7 questions in total pertaining to how students feelings towards finals, and what were they ́re gender and races were. While the predominant amount of responses were female,  the individuals who participated were 50% Caucasian, 20% Hispanic/ Latino / Spanish Origin, 18% Black/African American, 2% Asian, and 2% Middle Eastern / North African.

Analyzing the survey, the data demonstrated that the females are more prone to fill out surveys concerning their feelings about their education. The 30% of females claimed to be prepared for their finals, and 30% of females felt anxious or nervous. While 17% of the males who took the survey said that they were anxious and nervous to take their final, 5% claimed to be prepared. The overall percentages of students who felt nervous and anxious for their final exam was 78.% 

Another question asked was how often do they plan to study. The most frequently chosen study time was 2-5 hours, which was chosen predominantly by females as well. While male participants choose 1-2 hours or “I don’t care”.  This survey demonstrated that males, at least those sampled in this study, tend to have more relaxed and carefree attitudes towards their academics, whereas females tend to strive for excellence, as exhibited from their claim to a higher stress level and their increased hours of study.

Here is a link to the data I collected where you will find a summary of the data including visual representations, and also each anonymous response of the participants.