Saisa Gadal is a brilliant and intelligent senior at John Adams High School. Saisa participates in numerous Adams extracurricular activities including marching band, jazz band, chess club, Science Olympiad, International Student Organization and National Honor Society. Saisa believes that her busy schedule keeps her driven and her creativity flowing.
Saisa was born in Kathmandu, Nepal at Patan hospital. She told The Tower that “[moving to the U.S.] has brought me into a new portal of lifestyle and understanding … The culture shock has also made me strong enough for independent endeavors in the future.” She understands that her Nepali background makes adapting to American traditions more difficult but she embraces the challenge of learning something new.
Saisa has a deep and momentous love for music. She began her musical adventure from a really young age. She credits it for shaping her into the person she is today. A defining moment in her music career was when she was awarded the best soloist award in the district jazz competition. Saisa loves listening to music as much as she does playing it: her favorite genres of music are jazz, experimental electronica and shoegaze. Along with her talent in playing instruments, Saisa also writes her own music and hopes to release her own songs in the near future.
Saisa is an incredibly caring and considerate friend. Her friend, Riley McCoy, said her favorite thing about Saisa is that “she cares about every aspect of me, not just ‘how I am.’ She inquires and shows kindness to every part of my life.” Saisa believes growing up in Nepal was the biggest influence in her kindness, saying, “I grew up in a rough household– socially and economically. It really shaped my way of thinking and just viewing the world [and] it has helped me understand and help other people.”
Saisa is very eager for the future. She plans on going to college and getting both a master’s and Ph.D. in architecture. Saisa connects her love for architecture with her admiration of music, stating, “I really want to pursue a career in architecture because it’s a never-ending portal of creativity. There are always new things to look up to in architecture, whether it is old designs or new. They are lively and admirable just like music.” Saisa can see herself renting an apartment and owning a cat in the future and living life peacefully.
Saisa is a kind, respectful and hard-working person who has much love for the people in her life. Saisa loves the Adams community and feels incredibly grateful for the opportunities it has provided and the people she has met along the way. The Tower wishes Saisa the best of luck as she finishes out her senior year!