The Beard & The Boss, previously a pop-up food truck and now upcoming riverside restaurant, has significantly risen in popularity throughout the city of South Bend in recent years. The owners, Phillip and Brigid Beattie, provide the community with amazing foods and feels at local events in South Bend, such as Art Beat, Fusion Fest and recently the Near Northwest Neighborhood Arts Cafe.
This culinary journey began when Mr. Beattie used to work in several local restaurants, including LaSalle Grille and Fiddler’s Hearth. He slowly worked his way up the ranks of the culinary world. However, he was tired of not being able to pursue what he really wanted: having his own restaurant. Mr Beattie then transferred to Jaworski’s Meat Market gaining an ownership position as a meat cutter, where his dreams were finally being shaped into reality.
Mr. and Mrs. Beattie have had quite the journey leading up to where they are now. When The Beard & The Boss first started in 2016, it was merely a project on the side. “It was an expensive side hustle,” Mrs. Beattie said. While they were making appearances at pop-up events, Mrs. Beattie was simultaneously pouring her energy into acquiring her real estate license. These pop-up events evolved into creating meal kits to deliver weekly to fellow members of the community. While Mr. and Mrs. Beattie were happy with where they were at, they knew they could be even more successful. They soon moved into a building with other restaurants where customers could simultaneously order from multiple vendors. These restaurants were the backbone of Dainty Maid Food Hall, located in downtown South Bend. This was where The Beard & The Boss quickly gained popularity. Soon after however, they left the food hall to focus on their own interests and future desires as a restaurant.
These events aided The Beard & The Boss in gaining recognition around the city. They have won several awards, including “Best in Culinary” at Art Beat twice.
The dream that Mr. and Mrs. Beattie have been envisioning for years is forming now more than ever. They had created a successful local business. Free from corporate food service, Mr. Beattie was ecstatic when speaking about his business. “I’m home for dinner now. That was something I could never do before,” said Mr. Beattie.
These events aren’t the only thing they are looking forward to. They have announced that they are working on getting their own restaurant right on the St. Joe River where they will continue to put their best effort forth in the culinary world.
You may be able to find The Beard & The Boss at South Bend events and pop-ups. Try the food and say hi to Mr. and Mrs. Beattie.
For more information:
Visit or call them at (574) 780-0757