JA Students Rewarded with Honor Roll Breakfast

On January 28th and January and January 29th, John Adams High School held a special breakfast for all of its Honor Roll students. To qualify for this breakfast, students had to achieve a 3.0 GPA for the first semester of the 2019-2020 school year. Over 900 students met this academic standard, and were recognized for their accomplishments with donuts and fresh fruit as a reward. 

On the 28th, Freshman and Junior Honor Roll students filed into the Cafeteria shortly after second hour started. Freshman Lizzie Graff explained, “It feels great to be rewarded for our hard efforts in our academics with a delicious breakfast,” and her friend, Casey Zielke, commented, “I feel very inspired by the donuts to do better in the semesters to come, but I wished there had been seconds.” Immediately after, administrator Ms.Dietrich called students up for a second helping of breakfast. Junior Jo Mihut used an analogy to describe the experience saying, “̈The honor roll breakfast was like The Revolutionary War: we came out stronger and ate donuts.”

On the 29th, the breakfast was held for the Sophomore and Senior classes. Principal James Seitz addressed the students, “I don’t know how some of you did it but you did.” Sophomore Marielle Utayde observed the number of students in attendance and said, “I’m very proud of everyone.” Senior Joe Grabill echoed similar sentiments, explaining, “It’s really cool to see the best that this school has to offer all together at one event.” The Honor Roll breakfast was a great reward for some of Adams’s highest achieving students, and successful in bringing JA together to celebrate their accomplishments.