The class of 2025 is nearing graduation! So, all the more reason to tell you about our amazing seniors! But I’m focusing on one senior in particular: Abigail Jackson.
Abby Jackson is a current JAHS senior who has been making waves in her academics, sports, and school community for the past four years. Before coming to John Adams, Abby attended John Young Middle School, in Mishawaka. Then, she set off on her high school career.
From a young age, Abby has been a very athletic person, especially when it comes to volleyball. Volleyball is a very important part of who Abby is as a person, as well as her high school career as a whole. When asked about how she started out with this sport, she stated that: “I always felt like one of the weaker links on the court, I think that’s why I worked so hard throughout middle and high school.” Although ever since then, she’s locked in and become a key player on our very own JAHS volleyball team. But it wasn’t an easy journey to the top. Abby had her own mental blocks that she had to overcome in order to reach her full potential. She said that it wasn’t until the middle of her sophomore year that she started to break through those barriers. But, she’s so glad that she did because she has found a great community in this volleyball program. “On and off the court it was always an amazing program to be a part of!” said Abby.
Due to her love for the sport and desire to keep it in her life, Abby has committed to Kenyon College in Gambier, OH. This is a Division III school that she can’t wait to play for! She is planning on finishing out her volleyball career at Kenyon but she’s not sure if she’ll stay involved after completing her undergraduate degree. But she says that, “if I have the opportunity to coach I would love to!” As for her academic future, Abby plans on majoring in International Studies with a concentration in Public Policy and minoring in Religious Studies. She then would like to gain her masters degree but isn’t entirely sure on what she wants to be when she “grows up.” The reasoning behind her major choice is simple: “my goal is to be as globally and culturally educated as I can be…my dream is to take steps towards bridging socioeconomic gaps,” said Abby. She also very firmly believes that “a lack of exposure creates stigma” and she eventually hopes to have a platform to express that whether that is by being an activist or working in politics, she just wants to be good to others. Abby has this great moral foundation that will surely help her in her future endeavors. We at The Tower can’t wait to see where she goes!