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One Last Story

One Last Story

On the first day of my junior year, I decided to drop out of a peer tutoring class and join a group of writers tucked away in the back of the school after hearing former advisor Mr. Nowicki pitch The Tower to my English class. Now, as a graduating senior, I have published 27 articles and written 10,000 words about vast topics that peaked my interest over the years; everything from golf to terrorism was covered in some of the craziest times to be alive. 


Being able to write for The Tower has been one of the highlights of my high school career. I am extremely grateful to my editors Emily and Julia who dealt with my poor use of AP Style writing and provided guidance on my writing skills, along with the advisors who have helped The Tower grow. When I first started writing as a reporter, I struggled to understand what it meant to think and write like a journalist. I was so used to writing in an English essay style, which with journalism is not an effective way to break down a story. Now that with two years of experience, I can say that being a journalist and writing for The Tower holds so much more value than a simple class. Having the opportunity to research, write, and share stories not only grows individuals into better writers, but also encourages others to stay educated and practice empathy. As I turn the page and move on to new endeavors, I carry the lessons I learned from The Tower. However, I will certainly miss brainstorming story pitches and spending late nights reading into rabbit holes. 


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This is not goodbye, but rather, see you later. The Tower is in great hands who will only improve the work that my team created. Next year, I will be attending Indiana University in Bloomington where I hope to continue sharing my voice on what matters most important to me. What first started as an extra class has taught me that being truthful and fighting for what is right is the key to changing our world. With that, I say to incoming students of all grades to join The Tower, work hard, and have fun. Keep questioning. Keep searching. Never stop seeking the truth.


With my gratitude and warmest regards,



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