Marielle Guerrero

Senior Spotlight

Josette Wright (left) and Marielle Guerrero (right)

Seth Kirkpatrick, Managing Editor

Marielle Guerrero is currently the head drum major for the marching band at John Adams High School. She began her love for music at home, where many of her family members were involved in band and where her parents had her take piano lessons at a young age. She describes that ¨joining band was something I was excited for.”  Guerrero first found her interest in becoming drum major as her ¨passion for band increased¨.” She says that throughout her years of being in marching band she has seen ¨some great leaders, and some not so great leaders¨ and that she ¨wanted to be one of the great leaders. I wanted to make a difference.” She says that when it comes to working with the band that she ¨wouldn’t even call it working, because we have so much fun together.” However, it hasn’t all been easy. She did face a conflict when several people, because of her being a female drum major, thought she ¨won’t be loud enough […] is not confident¨ but she says she ¨did her job, and those comments stopped.” The advice she has for any upcoming freshman interested in band is that ¨marching band is a big commitment, don´t do band just to do band, do band because you love performing.” One her favorite memories of band is when the old drum major, Ethan, ¨ripped his pants [while] stretching… my mom had to duct tape his pants.¨